Thursday, January 22, 2009

Your Favorite Snow Day

Seeing as how we have had a few too many snow storms so far this season for my taste, I thought I would put a positive spin on it and ask what your favorite snow day was for you. Remember the night before mid-terms in school when you would look out for a flake or two? Or how about grade school even when you would pray for enough snow to keep you home to play in it? Or how about now if you have kids or pets to play in it with you? Even college days when you weren't sure which way to go because you had studied so hard and were ready for the exam before all that knowledge left through your ears but another day to study did seem appealing. I know mine (I have a few) and will share it as soon as you all post yours! I will pick three winners from the posts I receive. So all you lurkers out there post up or else EmilyZ and JennR will win just from their past comments -- though they can still win anyway if I pick their name out of my hat!



Kate B said...

My favorite snow day was during the blizzard of '78. I was in high school. The first two days of the storm, we had to wake up at our normal time before finding out that school would be closed. But - the 3rd day - we knew the night before! Governor Grasso declared an emergency, closed the roads, etc. Therefore - no school. It was awesome going to bed knowing that we didn't have to go to school in the morning. Still had to shovel the driveway though. :)

Unknown said...

Hmm... this is a tough one! I'm going to have to think about this!

Danielle said...

I'm going to post my most memorable snow day since I can't really remember a single favorite. It was that April Fool's Day blizzard while in college. Craig and I had only been dating a short time and we had a huge snowball fight with some of his friends on these huge snowbanks. It was so fun and memorable, despite having large bruises to show for it afterwards. It was also memorable because Craig parked my car in a tow zone (during snow) and my car got towed... fun times! ;)