Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And we're onto December...

Yep, I missed a whole month of posting to my blog. What have we been up to? Well let's see, we brought November in with some nice colds. I am happy to report that Nicole who usually has at least a few ear infections per season has made it through two colds now without actually getting one yet. The season is young though but I am hopeful. So far it is better than we have done the past few years. Hello preventative antibiotics...I am looking at you so please stay away.

We have also been busy with school. Both girls love school. Aimee is learning to read and has already made 3 Christmas lists for Santa. It's pretty funny to watch her make out her list and ask how to spell "guitar". She is doing well with it though and I really am proud at how well she is doing reading and writing.

Nicole continues to be a sassy little thing. She loves to tell me no and her latest phrase for emphasis is "I am never not going to...." fill in the blank. Sometimes it's "cry", "put my toys away", " do that for you...." the list goes on. She has tried to embarrass me more times than I can care to count by deciding to scream at the top of her lungs or hurl herself on the ground to get her way. So I have taken to ignoring most of the time and laugh when anyone calls them the "terrible twos" because man, three is definitely much much worse than two ever thought of being.

We are getting ready for Christmas around these parts, complete with an upcoming trip to the North Pole on the Polar Express straight out of the heart of North Conway. The girls are excited as am I. We also have a Christmas dance show where I get to see the fruits of the girls labors in their dance class the past few months. Aimee loves dance as does Nicole so I can't wait to see how they are doing.

So what is new in your neck of the woods. I promise to try and do better at posting but we all know how that goes.