Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tagged...And Where I Have Been

Oh dear. My good friend over there at McCashew has tagged me to post a photo. The rules state that I must find the 8th photo in my 8th folder and talk about it. Well, unfortunately, I don't have any photos uploaded to my Picasa album (note to self but I do have a photo that my good friend Anelise took a few weeks ago of my girls. I love this picture and think it could go as the one that comes in frames when you purchase them.

So there, I participated but sadly I don't follow enough blogs to pass this fun little contest along so I will have to stop here. Though I know the Suburban Snapshots put up lots of fun traffic now so perhaps Brenna will participate in the fun. If you're reading this Brenna....TAG!

And for my few readers still out there, I am glad to stick with me. I do treasure you and I am happy that you come back to see me here. I would love to say that I am kicking butt in my weight loss war and really I am since I have not been this successful in losing weight in a very long time. But my competition is pretty stiff so I am probably out for the win unless all the ladies gain a few over the fourth. But I wish them no ill will because the contest has been invaluable to me.

My new favorite workout is in the pool. We finally got our pool up and running and looking great so my girls and I have spent a lot of time out there. I can tread water in the deep end for an hour or swim laps back and forth in the shallow end for them to try and catch me and I can tell it's a great workout. Plus it keeps me out of the kitchen and that is always a bonus.

I am so so so close to breaking under the 200 lb. mark that it makes me crazy. I have to resist the urge to step on the scale every single day and move that darn thing around to get the lowest weight possible. I set it up in one spot on the bathroom floor and I step on Monday mornings. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me because before I was an every day scale stepper and it was making me crazy and frankly inhibiting my weightloss because I was hanging my whole day on that number.

So onto the July 4th holiday weekend. We have a big cookout scheduled and I hope that the weather is nice, the fireworks clear and you all enjoy your summer holiday.