Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 26th

I realize that this is a day late, but it was a very busy weekend. Three years ago yesterday my little girl Aimee was born. It's funny too, she was born right on her due date. My mother's birthday is July 25th and my sister in law's is July 28th. So we have a busy week this week in July. I spent all day on my mother's birthday in labor waiting for Aimee to come and she held out to have her own day. As an aside my mother always tells her she wanted to share a birthday with Aimee and I sweetly remind my mother that I was the one in labor with her for a good 40 hours so I would have welcomed her earlier as well....

We spent yesterday by going across the lawn to Nana and Papa's house where they made breakfast for the girls. Gary and I went and got some munchkins to help celebrate the morning. Then we got dressed (the beauty of living NEXT door is you don't necessarily have to dress for breakfast) and headed out. We started what we will hope to be a new tradition of going to the toy store and letting Aimee pick out exactly what she wanted. She loves to play dress up and picked out a nice little package that had an evening gown, pink boa, gloves, cell phone complete with rhinestonish face plate and a pair of shoes. We then went to the mall where we played skeeball, rode a small train and went on a merry go round then cashed in her tickets for a rubber duck and a lollipop. We headed to Uno's and had a late lunch/early supper. Then we headed home to get on our bathing suits to hit the gym pool. It was a busy day but fun with just the four of us.

Today was Aimee's family party and we talked over the guest list again and again. Something about the three year old mind likes repetition. So we talked about how all grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were coming over to celebrate with her. It was a lot of fun and amazing to me to think that just three years ago we all welcomed her into the world and now here we are surrounded by the same family members to wish her a happy third birthday. Never has three years gone by for me so fast.

So happy birthday my little sweetie deetie. I love you more than I ever thought possible my little Aimee. Happy 3rd and many more.

July 26, 2005

July 26, 2008

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