Tuesday, April 26, 2011

20 Minutes down....

I did it!!!! I really did it!!! I did day 3 week 5 on the treadmill. My legs are barking at me but at least I did what I set out to do. Maybe it was the excessive chocolate consumption over the past three days keeping me on a sugar high but I felt good going into it, really I did. About 15 minutes into the 20 minutes I could totally tell that I was about to hit a wall. So I watched Brian Williams on the news talk about the Royal Wedding (because all of the media is hyping it waaaay up) and I made it through. Then in a rookie mistake I slowed the treadmill down from my 5.0 mph to 3.0 mph and grabbed the handrails at which point I also hit the stop button. Oh well. I did my 3.1 miles on the treadmill even if it was broken up by my own stupidity.

But I did it. On to week 6...on Thursday. My legs already hurt from tonight's workout so I can only imagine how I will be feeling tomorrow.

Kids are in bed, stuff is ready for work tomorrow and I am off to the showers. Maybe I can do this race without stopping. Well, okay, I will need a few water breaks and I know well enough I can't run and drink.

1 comment:

Kate B said...

I'm guessing you've done it by now. I made it to week six day 2 last night. I felt so proud of myself! Tomorrow - day 3!! At first, I was using a C25k podcast on my ipod as I ran. Now I find it easier to watch the TV at the gym while running and plug my headphones in to the broadcast. Keeps my attention on that better and less focused on the time. That way I can run without realizing how focusing on the time, the time, the time!