Monday, August 23, 2010

Lest August go by....

I didn't want to go without posting at least once in August. Bad bad blogger. It's been such a beautiful summer I haven't wanted to spend any time indoors and on the computer. I hardly even check Facebook anymore save for a few random check ins to get the latest news and even then I miss things depending on who posts when and fills up my news feed. Gah!

Well big things are coming up in our household. My weight loss isn't doing so well. Not sure why or what happened to my motivation but it's basically out the window. I am not giving up though because I know that I can do it based on the success that I already had. So I am stepping it up and going on down....again. But that isn't the biggest news. The biggest news is that we are about to embark into the public school system.

Now I am sure there are moms out there that are members of the who-hoo club when their children go off to school. But to be honest, I think I am a member of the boo-hoo club. Thinking of putting my little girl on the bus to travel all the way around the corner to school is a bit heartbreaking. True, it's a rite of passage and one that every kid takes, but is it bad that I have no recollection of my first day of Kindergarten? Actually I have very little recollection of any of my first days of school except Freshman year in high school. Should I be worried that these were such horrible experiences that I have perhaps blocked them out of my memory? I certainly remember the last day of school in some grades. I bet there is some Darwinian theory in there someplace.

Anyway, I have exactly 2 weeks and 2 days before this event happens and I am not happy at all. Sure I want her to go to school and enjoy it. Hell, I even want her to make new friends and love it. But, it's the end of an era. It's real school. You can't miss real school. It's frowned upon when you take them out for a few days just to go away or the like. Before it was just me missing the pre-paid days of daycare. Now it's real consequence.

But it's really bigger than that. It's hard to fully explain but I feel like a portion of our time together as a threesome is ending. We have had a schedule for the past 3 years (once Nicole entered the picture) of what we would do from week to week and with daycare the seasons didn't really mean a whole lot. Sure we added in preschool but it really just worked into our days. This Kindergarten bit is a new ball game and I am not sure I am ready to play. But like all things in life, time marches on and in 2 weeks and 2 days I will be wadding my Kleenex at the end of the driveway as the bus pulls up and takes away the little creature I have nurtured and watched grow to the best of my ability for the past 5 years.

I am sure by 3 weeks from now I will be over it but the anticipation has me welling up each time I think about it.

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