Thursday, August 26, 2010

The First Mile

It amazes me that whenever I talk to a "runner" they always tell me that the first mile is always the toughest. Even if they run marathons or 10Ks regularly, that first mile is always tough. For me, the non-seasoned, tomato faced runner all the miles are tough. I can run well enough on the treadmill, I mean it is propelling me forward so to speak. I can run outside okay and actually prefer it but I have found little time to actually partake in outdoor running. I know, you are saying to yourself...."take the kids in the stroller" but man I can barely run myself let alone pushing a good 70 pounds of kids plus stroller.

I get through my mileage, sometimes it is easier than others. At this point my goal is to actually run the entire 3.5 miles without stopping for some wind sucking to slow down. I can do almost two without stopping. But inevitably I need a break, some time to take regular breaths and just walk for a few moments or even a full minute before I get back into it.

Today I was in my workout room at my office. It's a nice little outfit where they have set up for the employees 2 treadmills, 2 bikes, 2 elliptical machines and a rower. Also included is a set of free weights. So today I had a co-worker who I don't even know on the elliptical next to my treadmill. And don't you know that it made me go further and faster just so I wouldn't have to stop at all during my 3.5 miles. I didn't want to look like an ass because I had to keep stopping so I just went full force and ran my 3.5 miles. And after my cool down and stretch I actually felt good. I felt accomplished and I felt better than I had in a while.

So okay runners. I get it. Get through the first mile....but keep going. The first mile is the hardest, the second is a bit better and mile three is better still. I just wish I was doing this for the love of running instead of to get my ass back into my pre-pregnancy clothes.


AlwaysJoy said...

I used to run for the caloric burn and then one day I did a bunch of cardio in a class so I wasn't going to run and I missed it - it got to be 9:00 and I was just dying for a run so I laced upi my shoes and went out and I realized that I run for sanity now... I do yoga for relaxation and I run for happiness

Brenna said...

That's more than I'd even attempt. Whew.