Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to school

Oh the busy life of a part time everything. It seems that the end of the summer and beginning of the school year always brings about new schedules. Even when I was not in school I found that I would have to change my own schedule for things like commute to work, time at the grocery store, etc. etc. when the start of school began. The commute to work is totally different. I used to be able to leave the house by 7:30 and get to work by 8:30 but now, forget it I won't get there until almost 9:30 so I need to leave by 7 at the latest. The grocery store is just off limits on Sundays with the deli line wrapped around the produce section by other mothers buying the contents of the kids lunches.

I actually took the T to work on Monday. Gary had to have his car fixed and instead of wasting money on a rental car we decided we could manage with one car for a few days. So Gary and the girls dropped me off at the choo-choo in Braintree and I took the mass transit to work. I hate to admit that I rather enjoyed it. I was able to read a book without falling asleep and without someone taking my book mark. I forgot how many books I used to read. I also got to work in record time, though I am not naive enough to think that this happens everyday. I am not that far removed from the T that I think it is always the fastest option. There have been plenty of days when it takes twice as long on the train. I also realized how much walking I used to get in when I took the train.

The first 6 years that I worked in Cambridge I took the train to work everyday. Then I got a spot in the work garage when I was getting my masters at Tufts and with the late nights and logistics of getting to and from work and school all at the same time, having a car just made sense. Now with the girls it is fastest to get home when I need to by car. But I am also just sitting on my ass the entire ride into work in the car with the only steps from my house to the car door and from the car door to the office door. But by train, I had to walk up all the steps to the train door at Braintree and then again at Kendall Square. Then walk another 15 minutes to the office. It was actually an invigorating way to start the day. Granted I was sweating and panted at my desk for a good 10 minutes after I sat down.

In other news, Aimee started preschool on Tuesday. They gave us 10 minute intervals for us to go in and see her classroom. It was set up so that we could overlap with the child before us and after us. So we met a little boy named Griffin and a little girl named Ava. Griffin was pretty excited about going to preschool but Ava was preoccupied making sure that her mother was not going to leave her. I stepped out of the classroom for a minute and Aimee never even blinked an eye at me. I think she will be fine going for a few hours without me seeing as how it took a lot of arm twisting to get her out of there. I did tell her that she should be sure to talk to Ava because she will be missing her mommy the first day. So we'll see how it goes again tomorrow. I will drop her off and Gary will pick her up. They have a nice little one way mirror that I can look at her without her seeing that I am looking forward to using. And a little shout out to my husband with this whole school/kid thing.

We had a parent night last week for her pre-school (where I saw an old crush from high school, who's daughter is going to the same school but a different class) and there was definately way more moms there than dads. I am sure that some of the parents had already been through this the year before since many of the parents there have kids starting another year at the school since it has both 3 and 4 year old classrooms, but I was still thankful to have Gary there to do it with me.

In other news, I have picked one zucchini, one summer squash, one cucumber (do you see a theme here) and one spaghetti squash from my garden. Not quite a rousing success but still I was happy with my little crop. There are a whole lot of tomotoes out there but they are of the green variety. Here's hoping that the sun remains strong enough for the next few weeks to ripen them up.

Also, I am down another 3/4 of a pound on Weight Watchers. I know it would go better if I could get to the gym regularly but I haven't gotten that part of my schedule down yet.


Brenna said...

Is it unreasonable that I talk with you via Facebook, the board and this blog, yet haven't seen you in like 2 years or something? I love the internet! I miss taking the T to work too, and the built-in exercise. Now I sit on my fat ass all day too out here in the burbs. Hrmph.

Terri said...

No, that is not unreasonable at all. I haven't seen one of my really great friends in NJ since Aimee was born but thanks to the Internet I know more about her goings on than many of my friends nearby. We will have to remedy the almost two year thing though...we'd love to come meet Anna.