Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things as we know

Has it really been over 2 weeks since I posted last? That is terrible. I know my audience is greatly wanting all my updates...okay, I am more realistic than that.

It's been scary out there lately watching the news. I don't even like to turn on my TV much because the news is so depressing with all the bailout talks, money issues, Australian fires, recession recession recession and now the more recent one around here, sexting. Sexting. Can you believe that is even a word? Apparently a 13 year old took a picture of his also 13 year old girlfriend topless and decided it would be a good idea to forward it as a text message around the school. So the question remains is how should these kids be punished. It was a poll question on the news! Hell if I know how they should be punished. I am thinking that a slap on the wrist won't show them a whole lot but I am not inclined to think that they should be arrested and classified as sex offenders either. But part of me doesn't know whether to blame the state of the world lately or his parents for improper upbringing. I know that kids were doing less than exemplary things when I was in 8th grade but my mother brought me up to always be a lady no matter what the situation.

Then there is the whole Michael Phelps debacle. Poor guy. Doing what every other 23 year old probably does. Admittedly it was dumb of him to be photographed while doing it, but I think at the point he was doing it, being photographed was pretty far from his consciousness. Still some of his endorsement was pulled.

Jessica Simpson's waistline seems to be big news too, poor girl. She probably looks better just getting up from her bed than I do on my best attempt at pulling myself together. Yet she signed up for this. She wants to be in the public eye but apparently not if they are calling her fat, which, she by no means is fat. I think the rest of Hollywood is just too thin.

And lastly, the whole Chris Brown/Rihanna issue is just terrible. My goodness.

So any TV watching in our house lately has been on the Sesame Street/Caillou type so as not to depress ourselves any more than needed. Although truth be told Caillou doesn't exactly put me in a great mood. Actually the girls have a favorite TV show that I think is pretty cute, me being a science geek and's Sid the Science Kid. I was smart enough to DVR them for a quick help me out to let the kids relax while I get supper ready or to reward them for their jobs well done.

So today is the last day of my week. I am amazed at how fast our weeks go by. Aimee is loving school and had a Valentine's day party where they exchanged cards with each other. How cute, though did you know that the little envelopes are not longer part of this thing? I know it has been quite a while since I bought Valentines but even I was surprised by this. Instead little stickers hold them shut. I can't wait to go through her cards with her when I go home.

Nicole has even gotten into the whole holiday arts and crafts. She does little cut and paste exercises at daycare which are so cute and she runs up and shows them to me with so much pride. My favorite part of my day is being able to walk through the door and not be able to get much farther because my two little ones are pushing their way to give me hugs, squeezes and basically "win" over their sister.

Enjoy your weekends.

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