Monday, February 16, 2009


The warmer weather last week was so exciting for me and the girls. We got to go outside. Not that we don't go outside when it is snowy or cold, but inevitably if we do go outside in those conditions, it requires a lot of work to get them dressed and get out the door and then one of them decides they want to go in before the other one and whining and fighting ensues. So at least when it is about 50 degrees outside we can revel in the fact that only a mere coat is required and not the entire snow day get up.

So we played in the driveway because there is still some snow in the yard and with two refusals of donning boots (Aimee said no and Nicole will definately not agree to anything her big sister isn't doing) to go outside we were confined to the clean, dry driveway. The girls had a blast and suffice to say all of our moods were lifted with just a few extra degrees and lots of sunshine.

My parents are enjoying themselves in sunny Florida and have asked me a few times to come down with the girls. While I would love to jump on a plane and trek them down there for some fun in the sun, I get tired just thinking of trying to do this on my own, especially when it involves car seats, etc. Why alone you ask? Well because Gary would get the withdrawal shakes if I made him leave the business for an entire week because of the current economic crisis we have going on in this county. He is busy at work and things continue to go along but what he has noticed is that people are not paying him. That's right. They want the printing they just don't want to pay for it. Yet his bills keep adding up and eventually something will have to give and a week away from the office would probably send him right over the edge. Not that he really wants us to go away without him either.

Also, Gary isn't a beach person. The girls and I could hunker down and stay all day but not Gary. He can't stand sand between his toes and he has never actually seen our girls at the beach and I am not sure he would love that they eat about as much sand as they play in. At first it was difficult for me to watch them try and eat a snack with a sand covered hand but then I thought, what the hell, they aren't bothered by it, why should I be.

So if anyone can offer me assistance with going to Florida and has some straight through deals that they have found, because layovers just really aren't an option for us, please let me know. We will let you stay with us, no sweat. I am looking to fly to Sarasota or Fort Meyers though because my parents just are not city drivers anymore and the thought of coming to Tampa would definately freak them out because of the monster bridge that is required to drive over. In my younger, single days I did it that way and they totally freaked out when they had to do it to pick me up.

Enjoy your Presidents Day.

1 comment:

Brenna said...

I'm exhausted just reading about getting 2 toddlers on a plane. I hope this feeling of thaw isn't a cruel trick. C'mon, Mama Nature, don't let me down!