Friday, November 14, 2008

Another day

The girls continue on their quest to rid themselves of the never ending cough that has come to rest at the base of their throats but thankfully not quite in their lungs. As such I figured that we really didn't need to infect our friends at playgroup should any stray spit fly as the result of a deep throated cough. So we spent most of the day inside. I won't was another rough day.

I thought about going outside at one point but between the wetness outside, the lack of cooperation in getting dressed inside and the overall gloom of the day we decided to stay inside. My mistake. I should have just thrown on any type of footwear they would have taken, let them go without a coat and called it a day and went outside. The two of them have been fighting non-stop - one watching the other just waiting for them to drop a toy so the other could come in for the swoop and take it away, thus wreaking havoc on the other sister. I really should invest in a black and white striped shirt; at least I would feel the part of referee.

On the bright side both girls slept right through the night last night which caused me to listen to every little creak and squeak just waiting for something to happen. Hopefully we can have a repeat performance tonight and I will actually sleep through too.

1 comment:

Brenna said...

yay sleep! anna slept through last night too, though mostly she's been fighting with me and steve.