Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weight Loss War Week #2

So the results of the first week of the war....5-1/2 pounds lost. Who-hoo! But as anyone who watches the Biggest Loser knows that the first week always has the most loss. So with week two the proof will have to be in the pudding as they say. I would like to lose at least 20 pounds over the course of this war. I don't even care about the money though it would be nice to win it. I am all about the fed up with being at my heaviest weight and being uncomfortable in my own skin so I am SO GLAD that my friends decided to do this, it's exactly the kick in the pants I needed.

I have been really going full force with my workouts, measuring and calculating every bite and ensuring that I am getting 7 hours of sleep each night. I won't jinx the sleep club Gods but will say that it's been okay in that department lately. So I am hoping that my over the top exercising will pay off and really it should sucks.

There I said it. Exercising sucks. I know I am supposed to get a high from it and feel all endorphins rush etc. and by the end of the workout I do, I am pumped and it feels great to shower off and know that I am feeling good. But the amount of back and forth arguing I do in my head about whether to go, should I go, can I skip today, I will only do 10 minutes...blah blah. It's awful. The first 10 minutes really do suck. So I make a deal with myself every single time to do at least 10 minutes and re-evaluate and thus far by the time I hit those 10 minutes I am so deep into my ipod that I just keep going. It really is all about taking the first step. Once I step in the right direction towards the gym, I can get the workout done. But getting there, man it's tough sometimes.

It's only been two weeks and I hope I can keep it up and who knows maybe by week 12 I will tell you that I LOVE to exercise. Or at least that I love it because it is a means to my ends to fit my ass back into a size 14 for crissakes. I also think I need to find a nice used double jogger to help with the warm weather that is finally coming back so that the girls and I can get out and about and maybe meet some new neighbors. Stay tuned for week 3.

1 comment:

Brenna said...

Oh lady, WORD. I've never been someone who just 'loves' to exercise. Get this - I work with a woman who hasn't missed a single day of running in EIGHT YEARS. Can you even freaking imagine? You're rocking it, woman. Color me impressed.