Friday, May 8, 2009


My kids have become obsessed with the movie Enchanted. It is a really cute movie and to be honest I think that Disney hardly ever misses with giving enough involvement for kids and some subtle humor for adults forced to watch it. With McDreamy as it's star along with Amy Adams it is a really fun flick to watch.....once, maybe twice. My kids ask for this movie incessantly and with our busy schedule we really don't have a lot of time to devote to watching an entire movie all that often. So I have seen it in bits and pieces over and over again. Though like any Disney movie there is a point that is a bit scary with an evil queen who turns herself into a big dragon type creature. We can't always look through that entire part and not to spoil anything, but like all Disney movies the kiss of a true love saves all.

I even recommended it to a friend of mine and they borrowed it from the library. However when it was time to bring it back to the library her daughter, who is 2 just like Nicole, yelled at the top of her lungs in the library (always a quiet place) "But I love the princess!!!" and carried on about how much she loved the movie. So apparently we are in good company with our love of Enchanted.

I have tried to put another movie into the DVD player but my success has been limited. They also have an unfortunate affinity for Caillou. Nothing annoys me more than 30 minutes of Caillou. It is amazing to me that they sit through it for 1/2 hour and the only time I tend to put it on is on Friday mornings when I need to take a shower because I am lucky enough that it is available through Comcast On Demand and I don't actually have to sift through listings to find it and coordinate schedules. So that is nice.

But if in your spare time you are looking for a nice little love story for about 90 minutes I do recommend you take the time to watch Enchanted once. Twice maybe if you miss some of the innuendos but I would advise stopping there. Though rumor has it when the actors signed on to the movie it was in the contract for a second flick -- sort of a continuation of the lives of the people so perhaps in the upcoming months there will be a new sort of enchantment to follow.

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