Monday, March 30, 2009

Breaking the law

This past weekend I had a great time at a bi-annual consignment sale that I love to volunteer and shop at. On Thursday night I got to shop before all of the others who know about the sale to see a sneak peak and shop to my heart (okay my wallet) content for spring/summer items for the girls. In paying for the items that I had swiped up, I pulled out my checkbook to pay and showed my license then threw the checkbook and license back into my oversized-to-handle-all-cups-diapers, etc. pocketbook.

Saturday morning Gary and I were out looking at houses (to no avail) while his parents stayed with the girls. After viewing our non-potential house, I had him drive me to the library so I could pick up two books I put on hold. In doing so I saw my half hazardly thrown in license and thought "I have to put this back in..." In looking at my license, I saw that it had expired on my birthday which was at the time 6 DAYS AGO!!!! I had driven for 6 days into and out of the City, hauling along my stuff to and from the consignment sale, DRIVING MY CHILDREN PLACES and all without a license. I know that if you are caught they will impound your vehicle, not sure what happens with the kids. Ugh.

Needless to say I didn't end up going anywhere yesterday and scraping up lunch for the kids without peanut butter, grapes or any fun items that typically get put in was a task in itself. A few goldfish, jelly sandwiches and lunchable jr's later and they at least could have some sustenance for the day. But, really, a supermarket run is near desperate tomorrow.

So this morning before work I had to break the law again and drive to the registry. I think on the way over I counted at least 1/2 dozen police vehicles. Getting to the registry at 8:45 and seeing a line outside the door did not help my angst either. So I waited in line with the rest of them with my hood up thinking the entire time that this picture will now be on my license for another 5-10 years. Ugh.

Apparently the Massachusetts registry stopped sending out reminder notices in November. Um that was 4 months ago. How many people do you think in Massachusetts are driving around on expired licenses from December, January, February and March? I just happened to look at mine coincidentally within a week of my birthday.

I did enquire to the very nice gentleman that told me I could keep my last picture (hooray!) and he said that I was part of a growing number of people who are driving on expired licenses. But the good news is you do have a year from when the license expires to just go in and renew it and not have to re-take a road test or anything. Though in that year your butt better not be behind a wheel or if you are caught your car is impounded and you need to call someone to come get you.

I know, I know, you are all thinking I could have just renewed on line. That is what I thought too. But upon finding the registry website and trying desperately to renew online I kept getting the "FAILED" response in my Inbox that prompted my visit this morning.

The prize of best husband goes to Gary because as part of my consignment sale I volunteer to help breakdown and sort the clothes that go unsold...on Saturday afternoon/evening. Poor guy had to bring me to my volunteer shift at 4PM and pick me up again, with the girls both times I might add and closing in on bedtime for pickup at 7PM. This is when the grandparents next door are certainly missed the most. For a quick trip or helping hand. I guess that is what I get for turning 35, an expired license.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Living in the County

I find myself often feeling lucky that I live in the county. Within walking distance from our current house we can see sheep, llama, horses and some chickens. We can get very close, pay no admission fees and see these animals in their somewhat natural habitat instead of part of an overall show.

Oftentimes, our rides home entail a few extra twists and turns just so that we can slowly ride by the sheep and the llamas down the street. We also have horses that live both behind us and two houses down the street from us. So often we will see horses walking up and down the street which prompts quick relocation's from current playthings to the picture window in the living room just to look out. One neighbor we know rather well and she will sometimes see the girls outside and come into the driveway to chat and so that the girls can see the horse named "Q". Of course, he doesn't look nearly as large in the picture window as he does right next to us in the driveway with his saddle on, bit in mouth and rider on top. It tends to intimidate the girls outright. And I can understand that, not being terribly comfortable around large animals myself.

Well this morning as I was in the basement doing laundry (a whole other post in itself...) Gary opens the door and asks "have we ever had a horse in our yard..." Of course in the midst of my spray and wash, wisk and color separation I had to do a momentary "huh" moment before I came tearing up the stairs to see what he was talking about. Sure enough in the back yard near the swing set and between some of the Little Tikes plastics in the yard was a very large brown horse with a coat on (okay more like a plaid blanket with a strap under his belly), bit in mouth and looking very nervous. We could hear trucks, ATV's and people yelling coming through the woods behind our house in search of the animal. They finally located it (since I didn't get a birds eye view to distinguish gender) and tried to corral it in while in our yard. But no one had taken the end of our driveway as possible exit to block so of course that is where the horse bolted for and we saw a quick run up the hill next to our house of the horse up the street.

Strangely enough, it seemed like it was trying to actually get back to it's house because it did head down a long driveway which does head towards the stable. And we saw more flashes past our house, driveway and up the street as the people tried to follow after it.

I hate to disappoint you and say I don't actually know if they did get it back but since I haven't heard any more loud voices in the woods, no more ATV's and most importantly no more big horses in our yards I think that it was successfully returned.

But, I don't think we would necessarily see things like this in other parts of Massachusetts.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


This weekend has proven to be a real tease with the spring like conditions. I love the winter and all the snow but this has been such a rough winter with colds, flu, stomach bug, etc. that I am happy to leave it behind for warmer greener weather. I took the dog for a walk both yesterday ad today and don't think that I have ever heard a sweeter sound than the water trickling into the catch basins and rolling down the street. Even the gutters are alive with the "tink, tink, tink" of the snow melting off the roof. I am in heaven. I know there will still be a few flakes in my future before the winter is officially over, but it's close now and I can taste it.

I have also noticed lately that my kids are melting down a lot lately. I don't know if it 's the end of a long winter and the inability to take it any more or just a sign of their respective ages. At almost 4, Aimee is quite the little mother herself and tries very hard to keep an eye on Nicole and make sure she has a clean diaper, is dressed accordingly and helps get her shoes on. Sometimes she goes a bit far and tries to pick her up resulting in a headlock type of dragging of poor Nicole. She is a sweetie and means well but her newest thing is just not listening. I can look her directly in the eye, tell her to stop doing whatever she is doing and she turns her head away from me and continues doing whatever she wants. It's maddening and I know it's her way of testing me and it's working. Trying to remain calm and enforce time outs is all I have to do really. She does understand when I take certain things away too. I am told that 4 year olds are much nicer. We shall see.

Nicole on the other hand is lucky she was the second child because if she had been first, she would have been only. She too is quite a doll and very cute when she wants to be. But she has one little temper and a stubborn streak as big as the day is long. When she doesn't want to do something, she isn't doing it. She too spends some extended periods in time out lately. Throwing things tends to be her thing. Tell her no, not to do something and instantly a rocket shoots out of her hand and across the room. Running for cover is really the best shot. Her most recent hurls have included sunglasses, cups and her sandwich. The worst to date was the fridge DJ. It's a rugged toy for sure because the sound with which it hit the floor made me sure that it was done. But it still gave it's opening line as soon as the button was pushed. Thank God. I haven't figured out exactly what it is lately that has been causing the all out tantrums. Of course I have had the DR investigate for an ear infection to no avail. Teeth are always seeming to make their appearance but yet again nothing that I can tell is coming through. I think it's part of being 2 and having an older sister to keep up with. These two things combined have made life a bit trickier around these parts. Today we are napless. I hate the no nap days. It means that in addition to pushing the clock ahead today, she will be ready to melt down at about 6 o'clock and when the melt downs are happening, it's very difficult to get anything productive out of her.

Bedtime tonight should be interesting. Enjoy the warm weather!